Configuration of the graphs of economic indicators

To configure the display of economic indicator charts, and from the editing environment, click the “Display Settings” button.


A window will be displayed where you can mark/unmark the option of "Show averages in the graph" in order to hide the averages in some of the graphs.


The chart looks like this when the averages are hidden:


Set up comments on economic management indicators

At the same time, you can also configure the text "Observations on economic management indicators" .

To do so, and also from the editing environment, click on the "Edit observations on economic management indicators" button that will open a window where you can enter the text to display, and you can also offer a Spanish translation.



In this space, everyone can give us assessments, comments, document publications or links to clarify or provide more information to the indicators provided automatically, with the premise of making it as close to citizens as possible.

Once the text is saved, it will be visible in a block located below the graphic. If you want to delete this block, you need to edit the text again and leave it blank.
