According to art.10.2 of Law 29/2010, of August 3, on the use of electronic media in the public sector of Catalonia, the minutes of the plenary sessions must be published on the municipal website . This publication, however, must take into account the principles and guarantees established by the data protection regulations and the protection of the right to honor and privacy.

The AOC Consortium offers the automated publication of the Plenary proceedings through its Open Data and Transparency Portal solution under the Law on the reuse of public information and Law 19/2014 on Transparency, access to public information and good governance, within the framework of the conditions of service provision. Therefore, and through the Transparency and Open Data Portal of each body, the Plenary proceedings are now automatically accessible and consultable by the public.

And what can I do if, as a public worker, I detect a plenary session of my institution with personal data or inaccuracies that require depublication ?

If, as a public worker, you detect that there are any plenary minutes of your institution with any personal data that may violate the principles and guarantees associated with data protection regulations, or you notice inaccuracies (for example, a duplicate has been sent, or has been sent incorrectly), you can ask the AOC Consortium to stop displaying the minutes in question on the Transparency and Open Data Portal.

This mechanism will be useful to you when:

- You have detected a plenary session that originally included personal data.

- This is an act published "erroneously". For example:

  • The minutes refer to a Local Government Board instead of a plenary session (can happen if the type of minutes is incorrectly selected when sending by EACAT).
  • The minutes are duplicated (it was sent more than once by mistake)
  • The minutes do not correspond to the municipality in question (this rarely happens, but in the case of staff who work in more than one municipality, it may happen that incorrect publication EACAT submissions are sent, implying the publication of minutes in a transparency portal that does not correspond).

These are some of the potential examples... Below we indicate the procedure to follow to proceed with the depublication:

  1. Prepare a formal request to the AOC Consortium via generic submission (EACAT> procedures), to the AOC indicating in the title: " Unpublishing minutes of the plenary session of ..."
  2. In the submission you will need to include the following content for each act in question:
    • Date of the minutes
    • type of record
    • record code
    • Post URL

Note: you can find all this information in detail in the table of the item "plenary minutes" of the transparency portal itself. This information is required to reliably identify the record in question.

Once you make the generic submission to AOC with the depublication, we will manage it and make it not visible on the transparency portal and the open data portal. This task will be solved in a few days.

Finally, we recommend that once the problems in the original record have been resolved, you send a new submission via the standard procedure to EACAT, and the new version of the record will be the one that will be published automatically on the transparency and open data portal .

Related Content:

Guide on the processing of personal data and Transparency (see section 3.2.1 for the management of plenary minutes)