The following report: "Accesses to data sets" includes information on the total number of accesses to the different data sets from all open data portals provided by the AOC.

The report includes information from 100% of available portals, that is to say, whether they are portals of entities that already have self-management (and publish their own information), or entities that have an open data portal associated with the generic portal (portal that we find "by default" in all transparency portals with only information intended for automatic items).

Image 1: Image of the new report on access to open data

This report allows us to see that in the last year there have been more than 20,000 open data queries on the different portals, the query being particularly significant in the sets associated with "personnel calls", "budget and template processing", "contracts" , and "Municipal register by municipality, year and sex".

Image 2: Detail of the most consulted datasets

At the level of own data sets, it should be noted that the first set we find is the "Registry of citizen organizations " of the Rubí City Council, with 326 queries. Rubí is also the City Council with the open data portal with the most queries of data sets, exceeding 1,500 in the last 12 months.

Another resource offered by the report is the query of the temporal evolution of queries to data sets. This evolution can be done for the total of data sets, for a specific entity, or even for a specific data set.

Image 3: Example of specific queries in the Tarragona "activities agenda" data set

And finally, the report also allows you to make the selection for several entities / datasets using CRTL+selection, and to be able to compare the accesses to the portal by number of inhabitants, year and month. We hope that this report will be a good resource, and as the use and awareness of open data portals increases, the information reuse data will increase, as will the knowledge of what is of most interest to the citizenship