For all those bodies that have the open data portal with self-management, the transparency portal makes it possible - on any transparency item - to manage automatic views originating from the open data portal, and show different resources (such as data tables, graphs or maps...).

Below we explain how this functionality works through an example:

  • The Sant Just Desvern Council wants to improve the information it shows on the transparency portal, and specifically wants to do so on the item it has created "municipal equipment".
  • Sant Just Desvern not only wants to improve the information it displays, but also wants to optimize its update flows and encourage it to be updated automatically from its back-office. To do this, open data will be used.
  • The City Council has an open data portal with the ability to publish its own data sets, and has published a data table of the facilities, as well as a map of them in its open data environment. This portal is updated daily automatically.

And how will the Sant Just Desvern City Council link open data resources with a transparency item?

  • Considering that the city council already has an open data portal with self-management, the Transparency editor of the City Council only has to go to the transparency edition of the item and see which data sets and resources are available:

  • You will need to select "Add open data view" and, on the set of open data available on your portal, select the set of data and resources (tables, graphs, maps...) that you are interested in associating with the item of Transparency in question In the case of our example, Sant Just will upload a map to the "Municipal equipment" item, which is generated from the open data environment and is therefore a resource available on the portal. Specifically:
  • Once the data set (Equipment) has been selected, all you need to do is define the details of the selected resource:

The result is a perfect relationship between the Open Data Portal and the Transparency item, and all in an automated way:

Example of interaction result

Finally remember that this example could be supplemented by the association of more resources such as tables of data or graphics.