For practical purposes, these entities can make this information available to citizens only through the Transparency Portal of Catalonia, organized and managed by the Generalitat and which is regulated in this Law, or through a space of own transparency, interconnected with the Transparency Portal.

The AOC Consortium in collaboration with the Open Government Network of Catalonia has worked on a common transparency solution for local bodies (available since October 15, 2015), which allows them to have their own transparency portal.

Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance , obliges local bodies to guarantee the transparency of public information, through a comprehensive system of information and knowledge in electronic This obligation entered into force on January 1, 2016.

The transparency portal is offered in several modes that allow it to be adapted to the different needs of each local body. These modalities are:

  • Integrated electronic headquarters portal, space for transparency and open data.
  • Transparency and open data portal (for entities that have their own electronic headquarters).

In the case of the open data portal, it is important to note that initially it only includes the transparency data available to the supra-municipal bodies, although they can request us to have a much more complete and self-managing version for the bodies that want to publish your own open data in a reusable format (you must request this extension of the open data service via the registration form and/or modification of the service through EACAT).

Beyond these main resources (electronic headquarters, transparency portal and open data), the AOC also offers:

Services linked to citizen participation and Bon Govern:

Electronic forms for access to public information:

  • "Request for access to public information" (via e-TRAM) to comply with Article 27 of the Transparency Law.
  • "Right to formulate proposals and suggestions" (via e-TRAM) , to comply with article 61 of the Transparency Law.

Promotion of generic delivery (via EACAT):

  • All those entities that have the generic transmission in the EACAT recommend that it be used in order to request information on transparency from other entities (art. 30.1) or to transfer requests for access to the information of citizens (art.30.2), and thus be able to comply with art.30 of the Transparency Law, for the request for information or derivation of requests on issues of transparency between us.