The transparency portal has a module that makes it easier for councils to improve the display of key items associated with the municipal organization (municipal folder, elected officials, political groups, governing bodies, as well as senior officials and temporary staff and /or manager), under a standard and agile model through an integrated vision of the different items, to advance in better navigability, usability and reuse of public information from the portal itself. Currently, more than a hundred of us are users.

The work has been carried out with the collaboration of the team of the Open Governments Network of Catalonia, and has also been shared with the team of the UAB Communication Laboratory (Infoparticipa Seal). So, if the improvements of this new module are applied, there is a significant improvement in the visualization on the transparency portal of the set of indicators from group 1-11 of the Infoparticipa seal, an aspect that Infoparticipa values positively for the granting of stamps.

So, whenever and wherever you are a town hall or county council, you will have this functionality active on your portal, even though it is initially disabled by default. To activate and parameterize it, it will be necessary to do it from the editing environment following the instructions detailed in the attached manual version 3.0 May 2023).

What's new in this version (May 2023):

  • Section 2.2 includes a new module that facilitates automatic data preloading (Municat source), optimal for new implementations.
  • Section 4.4 includes an explanation of how to act with the module if you currently have incorporated data, and with the change to the Consistory after the municipal elections of 05/28/23 we have to update them.

Access and download the new manual (version 3.0 May 2023):

Download (PDF, 3.51MB)